Definition - A statutory declaration is a signed statement made by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835 before an officer authorised to administer an oath, such as a justice of the peace, Commissioner for Oaths or a solicitor with a practising certificate. It has the same effect as a sworn document (an Affidavit).
I pulled that from a UK Govt website since I wasn't sure what it means. Anyway, ignoring the Declarations Act 1835 since it probably applied in the UK only, the rest of the definition should hold true in Malaysia.
Within these 1-2 weeks, we've been presented with quite remarkable and suprising SD's. Beginning with Raja Petra's SD on Rosmah's presence at the Altantuya C4 fiasco, Balasubramaniam's original SD, and now, Balasubramaniam's amended SD.
If I were given RM1 for every SD that I'm reading, man thats RM3 already!. Not bad for
someone who have little idea what and SD means, just 3 weeks ago.
Anyway, yesterday Mr Balasubramaniam put forward his SD via DSAI, which clearly stated Datuk Seri Najib's involvement with Altantuya. And today, he retracted his original SD, and replaced it with a new SD. Only this time, the Najib's involvement with Altantuya (sexually and officially) is removed. And a newly appointed lawyer to boot, replacing Americk Singh Sidhu.
What is this saying about the Statutory Declaration?
It just brings the value of an SD to zero. I mean, you can make as many SD's as you like, but it doesn't have to be the truth. Lying in your SD. Malaysia will be flooded with Statutory Declarations, but God knows which ones are true and which ones aren't.
Imagine this: DSAI making an SD about his innocence in the Sodomy case, while Saiful Bukhari's SD claiming DSAI's prick was in his ass. Which one will we believe now? I forsee this event taking place not too long from now.
The IGP is saying one thing, DSAI is saying another.
Balasubramniam is saying A, while Najib is saying B.
AG is not talking, Pak Lah flip-flop is still dozing.
Razak Baginda is still a mystery, so are Sirul and Azilah Hadri.
Somethings gotta give.
Mr Steven Spielberg or even the Shamalayana ??? guy should come to Malaysia... lots of idea here for you to start 100 movies for next year!
M. Night Shamalayan :)
Or we can ask our local directors like Yusof Haslam to make a movie about all this, and call is Sembilu 2008, or Cinta Kolesterol Part 2 or something. Then it would be nominated for the Cannes Movie fsetival, and next year to the Oscars. Whats happening today are really blockbuster material!
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