Thursday, July 17, 2008

Yesterday marks another dark day for Malaysia. They finally nabbed saudara Anwar soon after he arrived home after having his statement recorded at ACA. The night before, we see She-biri-biri got grilled by Anwar live on TV. How fast things can turn around.

To the 30 plus so called Barisan MPs, where art thou? The rakyat is depending on you to jump to Pakatan Rakyat. This is the only way to strip power from the recalcitrant Umno goons. Their fear of losing power must be at its maximum, when they decided to repeat 1998. Ignoring the fact that majority of Malaysians does not believe Anwar to be a sodomizer, Umno couldn't go any lower.

Najib, gani and musa must've been able to sleep peacefully last night. Their #1 nemesis is now under police custody, and will soon be charged for sodomy. Thats 20 years maximum jail time for Anwar. Raja Petra, nemesis #2 will be summoned to Police HQ today for the "seditious" post he made on MT regarding Rosmah's involvement in Alatantuya murder. And Umno probably has plans to put him away too.

Anyway, Anwar had previously said that he has the alibi and proof of his innocence. Lets hope that is true. Same goes to you RPK and your trusted source. Our doa goes to both of you.

To saiful #$%@$&^%, I'm certain you will be punished if not now, in the afterlife. With 10 million rakyat cursing you to rot in hell, I'll be suprised if you didn't.

Again, to the BN MPs who are having 2nd thought about Umno, jump now and save Malaysia. We can't afford to wait another 5 years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alamak, kempunan dgr comment blogger Riz...senyap saja...