Pak Lah's comment in the Star today.
You think we are doing this for fun? You think we wake up and just decided to bust your chops?
Think again.
We are not disregarding the law as you proclaimed. There is no law. Period. Well, at least for the people walking in the corridors of power, as RPK aptly put it.
Syed Hamid comment in the Star today.
How else do you think the rakyat can voice their concern over the issues affecting their daily lives? We're not special like Saiful, who can simply walk into the office of Najib claiming he got dicked in the ass.
Thats why people took it to the streets, because thats the only way we can convey to the government how angry we are.
Instead of splashing news on the sodomy case all over the MSM, why not focus on issues that are more improtant, i.e ways to curb inflation which is predicted to hit between 6-7 percent after the petrol and diesel price hike, or how social problems with our teenagers are getting more out of hand, or at least tell us where did the RM 330 billion tax paid to the government by Petronas since the 80's went.
On the protection offered by the Home Ministry to Balasubramaniam from whoever he's running away from, HELLLLLOOOOOO baldy! I think Bala is hiding from you guys, not the other way around. So stop creating bullshit stories saying someone from PR side is trying to get to him.
When will amenor learn that Malaysians are not as stupid as they think? Please stop trying to bring us down with this bullshit.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
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fuuuhh...i like reading this post! politician in the making... keep it up as i dah banned myself fr rtm/tv3/bh/utusan...;--)) sebab tu i have to surf the net more often.ernie
Panas and Ganas!!!!
It's a matter of time the truth will prevail, I mean for Najib& Co. Sudahlah dgn kerja kotor BN ni...moree
Saya pernah menghantar nota di bawah kepada DSAI dan ahli parlime PAS
Dato' Seri,
Ramai yang mungkin terpedaya dengan keuntungan besar Petronas yg meningkat setiap tahun. Akan tetapi, bagi yang tahu dan terlibat dgn oil & gas business tahu bahawa Petronas sebenarnya di ambang kemerosotan yang serius. Production Petronas tidak meningkat sejak mencapai production level sekitar 700K lebih barrel per day. Ya, sememangnya pencapaian Petronas bagus sebelum ini, tetapi tidak lagi skg kerana hampir tiada langsung peningkatan production. Keuntungan hari ini hampir sepenuhnya disebabkan oleh kenaikan harga minyak di pasaran. Sehingga hari ini, Petronas sudah venture di merata tempat utk exploration di mana hampir kesemua exploration gagal iaitu lebih kurang sudah 30 well yg digali tidak beroleh apa-apa discovery. Setiap satu well, pada hari ini, Petronas akan membelanjakan lebih kurang USD 40-70 juta !....Bayangkan perbelanjaan Petronas yg begitu banyak sedang kan rakyat terbeban dgn kenaikan minyak yg sgt tinggi. Pendapat saya, Presiden Petronas hari ini sudah tidak boleh dikekalkan kerana, pencapian beliau sebenarnya sudah merosot. Cuma rakyat tidak nampak kerana meliatkan keuntungan Petronas yg besar setiap tahun. Kemerosotan Petronas disebabkan pelbagai faktor.
1) Kehilangan ramai pakar2 kerana tidak memberi imbuhan sewajarnya mengikut pasaran skg.
2) Presiden terlalu berkeras utk tidak melihat permintaan pakar2 ini supaya dikaji semula imbuhan/pendapatan mereka.
3) Pembaziran yg luar biasa. Banyak kes dimana setelah dibentangkan sesuatu proposal venture utk pelaburan di tempat2 baru kepada committee pakar dan committee ini against the idea, telah di overrulle oleh peringkat pengurusan atas termasuk Presiden. Sbg contoh, Petronas sanggup membelanjakan USD418 juta utk membeli syarikat Woodside di Mauritania di mana Woodside adalah operator di Mauritania. Walaupun pakar2 dlm petronas against the idea, namun Presiden tetap degil. Skg Woodside sudah tentu bersorak krn Petronas sudah membeli satu syarikat yg bermasalah dan production minyak di sini sangat rendah malah semakin menurun. Hanya org bodoh saja yg akan membeli syarikat ini.Sebab itulah Woodside ingin menjual syarikat ini. Tidak masuk akal dikala harga minyak melambung tinggi, Woodside sanggup menjual company nya yg masih mengeluarkan minyak. Mesti di ingat bahwa kos operasi syarikat ini sangat tinggi kerana ini adalah operasi deepwater. Malah, utk cover operating cost saja pun amat berat.Tapi seprti BN, bermcm alasan diberikan utk menghalalkan pembaziran ini antaranya ialah utk belajar operasi deepwater. Hanya company yg bodoh saja akan buang duit sebegini besar utk belajar deepwater...Shell, Exxon and company dari China sudah tentu tak buat begitu. Kita juga membazir utk venture di ethiopia dimana pakar2 terang2 mengatakan ia tidak akan berhasil...tapi masih degil dan sanggup membelanjakan USD70 juta hanya utk signature bonus kpd govt lain semua tak berminat pun pada tawaran blok oleh ethiopia. Kita syok sendiri saja sebenarnya.
Petronas sebenarnya bernasib baik sebab pelaburan kita di Sudan memberi hasil yg baik. Tapi kita tidak berjaya dlm erti kata yg sebenar sebab bukan kita yg menjumpai minyak di Sudan. Company China yg jumpa minyak di sana. Kita cuma joint venture sahaja.
Yg saya ingin tekankan di sini ialah, sememangnya Petronas banyak pembaziran. Daripada pengetahuan saya sahaja pun sudah terlalu banyak. Saya lebih rela bercakap darpd menulis panjang lebar. Pihak pembangkang kita tak tahu banyak perkara sebenar dan menyalak secara umum sahaja....sekiranya pihak pembangkang ada banyak maklumat, barulah Petronas lebih berhati2. Fahaman saya begini, Presiden Petronas sudah terlalu lama dan terlalu bebas. BN memberikan beliau kebebasan kerana beliau dapat memberikan pulangan cukai yg besar kpd kerajaan malah mungkin juga projek2 tertentu kpd kroni...tapi hakikatnya, Petronas bukan lah hebat mana pun. Cuma berselindung disebalik harga minyak yg tinggi. To me, Presiden Petronas is underperforming. It's just that the governemnt is stupid enough to know this as long as they got their billions tax money every year, they are happy. Where as Petronas can and should perform better and will be good for Malaysia.
Petronas loose many of it's good staff who joined other company because the Presiden is too arrogant to look into their plight. It's just too much to express this in writing.
Can someone from your side dig the allegations that I've made? Just ask why Petronas bought Woodside though it is clearly a stupid investment.
Don't just bark on the Philharmonic thing.
I love Petronas but I can;t stand the way Petronas being run. The one still remain in Petronas is either new or a bunch of useless or butt-kissing
fools. I just resigned from Petronas last month.
Sorry for my writing as I just simply want to be quick. As long as you got my message is fine with me.
Its too bad the rakyat only sees the superficial things, i.e philharmonic spending, but totally miss out on the daily production, which is stagnant for the past few years. However, I don't blame them, since this requires some analytical thinking to digest, whereas the idea of Petronas making money due to raising crude prices is much easier to understand.
anonymous' comment is very much similar to your opinion during our TT session a few days back. Could it be you both are the same person?
Print whatever you can and spread them around. Especially to our parents who may or may not have internet access. Drop a copy of Malaysia today articles at your neighborhood kedai mamak, that Did that during election days..We need statistics to topple BN.
hmmmm surprising...sound like me, seems like me but may not be me....correct? Correct? Correct? the Lingam's way...hahahah
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