Last night, 15/9/2008 Pakatan Rakyat held a rally at Kelana Jaya stadium in conjunction with the formation of Malaysia in 1963. No official head counts, but I think it was more than 10,000 who attended.
I came quite late, only managed to see DSAI speak while missing the other speakers i.e Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng and some others. However, hearing DSAI's speech is enough for me. By the time the event ended around 11.30, I feel rejuvenated, as if adrenalin has been pumped into me via tubes. The thought of having a new government just feels refreshing.
DSAI reiterated that today, 16 September 2008, Pakatan rakyat will make a very important aanouncement, which is probably the list of BN MPs switching sides to Pakatan. He also said that the power transition will be done smoothly and diplomatically, and we shouldn't have fear of riots and whatnot.
Other than that, its the usual talk on reduction of fuel price if PR comes to power (RM0.70!!), corruption by BN's highest officials and its arms in the AG, IGP, ACA. Also mentioned was about the story of the latest ISA detainees (RPK, Teresa and Tan Hoon Cheng the Sin Chew journalist)
We ended the night with good TT session with discussion on what to expect today. Needless to say, it was a heated but fun session.
Well, today is 916, and I'm looking forward to some bombastic news from Pakatan. In the mean time, here are some photos from last nights rally.
When you are lied to the first time, you tend to get upset because you have been lied to. When you are lied to by the same party many times, you would not only get even more upset and angry but you would also develop a sense of distrust of the lying party. However, what is even more upsetting than continuous lies would be lies which are so stupid and so unbelievably astounding that it is a gross insult for the perpetrator to actually think that his or her lie will be believed by us.
The audacity with which the current government is lying to the people would make the ruse involving a certain wooden horse pregnant with soldiers in its belly seems meek, if not downright tame and uninventive. "Bersih rally by 4000 people", screamed the government gazettes last year. It was of course a blatant lie. When the whole world could see the truth from photographs splashed all over the internet, one began not to get upset only by the fact that they have been lied to but also from the audacity of it all. It prompted me to write and send this letter. It of course did not get to see the light of day.
"I don't have anything to do with Jean", said the PM. He of course married her not too long after that. "I am not going to dissolve the Parliament", again, said the PM. The very next day, when the ink on the newspaper quoting him saying so was barely dry, he dissolved the Parliament. Malaysia holds many world records, among which, the longest ikan bakar grill in the Milky Way. Add to that is the fastest time in which a major newspaper headline is proven untrue or incorrect.
The latest is of course the lie about the trip to Taiwan and Macau being a trip arranged for the Barisan Nasional's MPs to learn about agriculture in order to enable them to better argue and debate the budget in Parliament! Why don't they just say that the trip was arranged to enable the BN MPs to visit a UFO site where aliens with solution for our racial integration problems; budget deficit; inter-faith issues; incompetent Judges; corrupt politicians and civil service and men with small dick had landed? It would easier for all of us to swallow.
1.1 Maths and Science - to English or not to English
No less than Khairy Jamaluddin has critisised the "half-baked" (to borrow his own words) policy of improving the standard of English among Malaysian students by teaching Maths and Science subjects in English. I don't really know what motivates him for doing so but the odd thing is he now seems to be critisising his superior in UMNO Youth. As we all know, that policy was mooted and implemented by the current Education Minister, Hishamuddin Hussein who is of course the Youth movement's chief. So, is this a sign of a sudden surge of intellectualism within UMNO Youth or is it some kind of a political posturing or both, one wonders?
Be that as it may, I have been saying all these while that that policy is not half baked but it is actually baked in an electric oven without the mains switch being switched on. Just imagine a 14 year old students in Form 2. For 8 years of his life he has been learning Maths and Science in Bahasa Malaysia. "Add" means "campur" to him. So does "fraction" mean "pecahan". His English is not good. Suddenly they teach those subject in English. How does that help him to improve his English? And we have not even begun to talk about the teachers. These teachers were all from Bahasa Malaysia school. They themselves were taught Maths and Science in Bahasa Malaysia. They were trained in Bahasa Malaysia. And one day, they woke up, brushed their teeth, took a bath, went to school and they had to teach these subjects in English. You don't have to graduate from Oxford to know that that policy will not work! In fact, it is a burden on the students and teachers alike.
The problem with this government is its inability to grasp a problem, analise it and come up with a holistic solution for it. It is so used to sweeping things under the carpet so much so that when it is confronted with problems, it's knee jerk reaction would be to come up with stop gap measures. In other words, it knows next to nuts about governing!
Dear Ministers, please read this. I am no expert in education but I think I am blessed with a slightly clearer head than all of you put together. The low standard of English among our students is a product of a wrong education policy which started in early 1970s. That was the era when the then government suddenly thought that efforts must be made to "mendaulatkan Bahasa Melayu/Kebangsaan/Malaysia/Baku/Kebangsaan and back to Melayu" again. Lets not go into the rationale for that policy. Lets just accept the fact that the result of that policy is that most students - and even graduates - nowadays can't even construct a decent sentence in English. Students did not just wake up one morning and found out that they could not speak English. It was a rapid evolution, if ever there was one. (Well, it could be a slow revolution, if you want to be argumentative).
A holistic approach towards solving this problem would be to start all over again. There is no fast cure -nip-in-the-bud kind of solution. So, what needed to be done was to start training teachers to teach whatever subject in English. Lets say we start doing so next year. It takes 3 years to train the teachers. So, 3 years from then, we would have to start teaching whatever subjects in English and make English more prominent in the curriculum from the standard 1 intake of that year, namely, 2012. Than we continue doing so until the whole system is filled with such curriculum. That is how we should do it.
Mr Prime Minister, you asked the people to work with you. Here I am. I had just done so. When will I be invited for tea?
1.2 The Unholy Trinity
Of all the news this week, this takes the cake. Muhyidin Yasin, a vice-President of UMNO, has managed to persuade Dr Mahathir to rejoin UMNO. Just how much persuasion did Dr Mahathir, the has-been of UMNO, who had left UMNO 3 months ago in disgust over the ineptitude of the Prime Minister cum current chief-in-command of UMNO and who vowed to never return to UMNO as long as the Prime Minister remains as such, need? Did Muhyiddin have to cry like Rafidah Aziz when Dr Mahathir announced that he had wanted to resign on stage before? Or was Dr Mahathir tied up, beaten like Anwar Ibrahim while he was in detention in 1997 and forced to submission? Or was it all it takes was a simple pact involving Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah challenging Abdullah Ahmad for the UMNO presidency and Muhyiddin challenging Najib Razak for the number 2 spot this December? That's all? Or is there more? Something like Dr Mahathir becoming some sort of a Minister Mentor or puppet master or whatever?
Dr Mahathir Mohamad. I just love that name. I love that name in the same vein I do the name Mawi. Or George Bush. Oh, Mugabe too. This is the guy who wrote a really rude letter to Tengku Abdul Rahman in 1969 after the 13th May riot. He was then sacked from UMNO. Then he rejoined. IN 1987, he was challenged for the UMNO Presidency by non other than Tengku Razaleigh. He won by a mere 46 votes (if memory serves me right). 12 UMNO members (later reduced to 11 as one withdrew) brought a court action challenging the validity of the voting process as there were representatives from unapproved divisions attending and voting. The younger generation now do not actually know what happened in Court in that UMNO 11 action. Let me tell you what actually happened. You can make up your own mind whether Dr Mahathir loves UMNO, as he says he does, or whether he is just in love with himself. What I am about to tell here are facts, nothing but facts.
The UMNO 11 action was never aimed at obtaining a Court order to declare UMNO illegal. Remember that. The UMNO 11 were just asking the Court to declare the voting process invalid because of the above reason. That was all. The order to declare UMNO illegal was never asked for by the UMNO 11. The UMNO 11 were represented by Raja Aziz Addruse, if I am not mistaken. Dr Mahathir's camp was represented, among others, by Gopal Sri Ram, who was then a practising lawyer. Now he is a Court of Appeal Judge. During the hearing, it was agreed by both sides that there were in fact representatives from unapproved divisions attending the assembly and voting. Under the law, societies, such as UMNO, must be registered. Not only that, the societies' branches or divisions must also be approved by the Registrar of Societies before they could be established. And UMNO at that time had several divisions which were unapproved.
If unapproved branches or divisions existed, the Societies Act provide that not only the unapproved branches or divisions shall be illegal, the society itself shall be illegal. This ridiculous law was enacted by the BN government than to catch PAS, which was known to have many unapproved branches. So, during the hearing, suddenly, and out of the blue, Gopal Sri Ram submitted that UMNO was illegal! It was not Raja Aziz Addruse or the UMNO 11 who said so but it was the lawyer acting for Dr Mahathir's camp who said so! That lawyer must have instruction to say so or otherwise he couldn't have said so.
Raja Aziz was caught by surprise with that submission. I vividly remember he was reportedly saying in the newspaper that that was a "kamikaze defence"! He then reminded the Court that he wasn't asking for UMNO to be declared illegal. But the Court declared UMNO illegal instead. Dr Mahathir, in all his speeches and writings have always blamed the UMNO 11 for causing it to be declared illegal. But it was Counsel acting for his side who submitted that point to the Judge. And it was through his sheer negligence that unapproved UMNO branches/divisions existed and were permitted to send delegates to the assembly to vote.
Who destroyed UMNO? You tell me.
All Dr Mahathir cared about is himself and his position as the Supreme chief of UMNO, Barisan Nasional and Malaysia. After UMNO was declared illegal, Tengku Abdul Rahman, Rais Yatim (if I am not mistaken) etc out of their love for the party formed a new party called UMNO Malaysia. Of course, the registration of this new party was strangely blocked by the Registrar of Society. The registry comes under the Home Ministry and it does not take any imagination to guess who the Home Minister was at that time. After that, Dr Mahathir formed UMNO Baru and he managed to register it. Strange. The earlier one was rejected and unapproved but the later one was accepted. Funny? Well, you make up your own mind.
Then Dr Mahathir passed a new law which says a new party with a certain percentage of members from an old party can retain the old party's name. Hahah...and so UMNO Baru was back to UMNO. Meanwhile, the rejection of UMNO Malaysia became a Court case. And Dr Mahathir fought that case as if his life depended on it. If he loved UMNO so much, why didn't he work together with Tengku Abdul Rahman, the Father of Malaysia to re-establish the real UMNO? You tell me.
Then he changed UMNO's constitution to make it real difficult for anybody to run for the office of President or Vice-President against the incumbent. This, according to him, was to make sure that only serious contenders would run for such office. Like, wow!
The rest, as they say, is history. Before he retired, he handpicked Abdullah Badawi, in the true tradition of UMNO, the passing-the-baton adat. He thought Abdullah Ahmad would be submissive to him and his ilk. He thought Abdullah Ahmad was a meek lackey who would yield to his whims and fancies. Little did he know what was to come. Now UMNO has lost all credibility and is destined for extinction. Who caused it? You tell me.
He now admitted that it was a mistake for him to pass the baton to Abdullah Ahmad. He asked people to oust him from UMNO. When that did not yield result, he left UMNO hoping many others would revolt and follow him. As it turned out, only one of his son and his wife, and Sanusi Junid followed him. Even baby Mukhriz did not do so! He failed. He then complained that the provision in UMNO constitution, which he inserted, makes it difficult for Abdullah Ahmad to be challenged. Irony personified!
Now, he has ganged up with Muhyiddin Yasin and his old nemesis, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah to challenge Abdullah Ahmad.The guile of this man. Would make Nicollo Machiavelli proud, this one.
UMNO Baru/UMNO Lama/UMNO Asal whatever is a sinking ship because of Dr Mahathir. All this void in the party's leadership is caused by him. He never appreciate dissent. Any voice of rationale or dissent would be perceived as opposition and would quickly be killed off. UMNO "leadership" has always been, under Dr Mahathir, about listening to and following him and doing what he wants. That creates a big hole in its leadership. When Dr Mahathir left, UMNO was like a headless chicken. That is why UMNO is where it is now. It is not because of Abdullah Ahmad.
But the again, Dr Mahathir will never ever accept this fact.
1.3 Transfer of cases
Under the law the Attorney General has the power to transfer any criminal case from the lower Courts to the High Courts. I think the validity of this law has been argued and determined. It is apparently a valid law. This power is exercised at the sole discretion of the AG. He doesn't even need to give reasons for it. All he needs to do was to sign a certificate of transfer and that's it.
Now he wants Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy case to be transferred to the High Court. Apparently because of who Anwar is (whatever that means!) and because of public interest. Well let me tell you something Honourable AG. Nobody gives two hoots about Anwar's sexuality.
Frankly, this absolute power to transfer is unconstitutional, I think. It gives a lot of room for abuse. It even gives the possibility to the AG to choose a Judge. It should be struck down as unconstitutional because it transgresses the very basis of our legal and judicial system. An accused person is entitled to a fair trial in a Court not of the AG's choosing but in a Court which has the proper jurisdiction over the offence of which he is being accused.
Finally, after 10 years, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim rejoins Parliament as Permatang Pauh MP, the same seat he had prior to being sacked and incarcerated for 5 years for sodomy and corruption charges. He was released in 2004 after the Court overturned the Sodomy charges.
In Malaysia, politics is like the Decathlon event between Pakatan Rakyat and BN (ameno), where the winner is decided after 8 or 10 different sports or events. Thats right boys and girls, its not over yet.
Event No 1: BN rushed the amendment of Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2007, where the government intends to make the mandatory retirement age of the Election Commission members 66 years old instead of the present 65. Just in time before GE12, and in particular to accomodate SPR Chairman, Tan Sri Rashid Abdul Rahman.
BN 1 : PR 0
Event No 2: Pak Lah announced early dissolution of Parliament in February 2008, and General Election set for March 8, 2008. This is just 1 months shy of Anwar's eligibility to contest, due to his 4-year ban from politics.
BN 2 : PR 0
Event No. 3: SD from Raja Petra accusing Najib and Rosmah's involvement, along with several others in the Altantuya murder. This was followed by Balasubramaniam's SD, again implicating Najib.
BN 2 : PR 1
Event No. 4: Counter attack from Umno against Anwar Ibrahim allegedly sodomizing Saiful Bukhari Azlan. Probably to neutralize Event No. 4. Anwar was charged in early August 2008. However, the swearing by Saiful was countered by Ramlang Porigi, who said the oath is not valid. Shame on Umno and Saiful!
BN 2 : PR 2
Event No. 5: PKR President, Datin Seri Wan Azizah Ismail vacating her Permatang Pauh Seat to make way for Anwar to contest. This came as a suprise to many, especially Umno who thought Anwar would contest in Kulim or Bandar Tun Razak instead.
BN 2 : PR 3
Event No. 6: BN/ameno rushing the DNA Bill to be debated in Parliament. Once the bill has been debated 3 times (just finished the 2nd debate on 26 August 2008), it will become and Act. They will use this to force Anwar to give up his blood sample (to be planted on Saiful's underwear?..)
BN 4 : PR 3
Event No. 7: Anwar wins big in Permatang Pauh by-election. Probably be sworn-in by Thursday at the earliest. Although I doubt this since Pak Lah will present Budget 2008 on Friday. They wouldn't want Pak Lah to be embarassed by Anwar on Friday.
BN 4 : PR 4
And these events hopefully would occur soon-
Event No. 9: The so-called 30 BN MPs jump ship to Pakatan Rakyat as soon as Anwar is sworn-in as MP. This occurs earlier then 10 September. Pakatan Rakyat forms new government with Datuk Seri Anwar as the 6th Prime Minister of Malaysia.
BN 4 : PR 5
Event No. 9: New IGP, AG, ACA DG and Chief Justice is elected to replace the Umno elected reps. Anwar still undergoes trial for Sodomy but will be dropped due to false evidence.
BN 4 : PR 6
Event No. 10: All the corrupted BN MPs, their families and cronies; be investigated for crime against Malaysians committed in the past 20 years.
BN 4 : PR 7
So who comes out the winner in the end? It is still too early to break out the champagne. The race will continue, but it looks like Pakatan Rakyat will win this Decathlon...
Ini untuk para pengundi di Permatang Pauh. Artikel ini sangat penting. Bacalah, kemudian fikir-fikirkan dan renung-renungkan.
1. Calon BN/Umno Arif Shah Omar Shah berkata beliau telah berhenti mengikuti pengajian Phd. Di Edision University of Technology. Soalannya, bagaimanakah seorang yang hanya mempunyai kelulusan Diploma sahaja seperti Arif ini,boleh terus melangkah sampai keperingkat Phd. pula? Pelik tapi benar! Takkan Si Arif ini tak tahu bahawa sesiapapun boleh membeli Phd dari universiti ini? Samada Si Arif ini bodoh sial ataupun cuba menipu Rakyat dengan Phdnya.
2. Sogok RM500 kepada penduduk Permatang Pauh upah sebagai perisik.
3. Tidak membayar wang caruman KWSP.
4. Menyertai perarakan haram Umno di Komtar apabila Pakatan Rakyat mengambil-alih Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang. Perarakan haram ini disertai Arif kerana kononnya kedudukan kaum Melayu di Pulau Pinang diancam oleh kerajaan PR.
5. Ariff Shah adalah adik kepada Tan Sri Amin Shah Omar Shah (Foto atas kanan) yang kini tinggal di UK kerana terlibat dalam skandal . Skandal ini melibatkan kes penipuan PSC Industries Berhad, dimana Amin Shah telah diberi kontrak bernilai lebih daripada RM24 billion dalam bentuk kontak TLDM sekitar tahun 1998 pada ketika Timbalan Perdana Menteri Najib Tun Razak memegang jawatan Menteri Pertahanan. Kerajaan Malaysia telah membayar Amin Shah berbillion Ringgit sebagai ‘duit hangus’ tetapi malangnya Amin Shah tidak menunaikan bahagiannya. Berbillion Ringgit wang Rakyat Malaysian telah lenyap begitu sahaja. Ini merupakan skandal kewangan terbesar dalam sejarah Negara! Mustahil jika Arif Shah mengatakan bahawa beliau tidak terlibat dalam perkara ini.
6. Demi mempopularkan dirinya dikalangan orazng Melayu yang menyoal laterbelangnya sebagai seorang India Muslim, Arif Shah telahcuba munukarkan nama George Town kepada “Bandar Datuk Abdullah Fahim”.
7. Arif Shah inilah yang telah mendesak Pak Lah bersama pemimpin Unmo Pulau Pinang lain untuk membatalkan semua Projek Mega di Pulau Pinang sebagai hukuman kepada Rakyat Pulau Pinang kerana mengundi Pakatan Rakyat.
Pada pendapat saya, jika seseorang itu boleh bercakap bohong tentang kelulusan akademiknya, beliau juga boleh berbohong tentang pembabitannya dalam perniagaan abangnya, Amin Shah. Di Negara demokrasi lain, seorang individu seperti Arif Shah tidak akan diletakkan bertanding segai seorang calon sama sekali.
In a typical western court, a person swears on the Bible to "tell the truth and nothing but the truth" so help him God. In Buddhism, you create your own bad karma - and there's no such thing as swearing on the Buddha's picture or image to support your claim of the "truth". Chinese families were known to settle disputes by swearing in front of a deity. The divine retribution is very heavy on the sinner who lied.
In Islam, swearing on the Quran is not part of the teachings in Islam as Tuan Guru Nik Aziz had said and cannot be found in the Quran or Hadith. A Quran is meant to be recited, understood, and used as law for Islam religion, not to be sweared upon.
If Saiful/Amno say its part of Prophet Muhammad SAW teachings, the Quran during the Prophet's time isn't in book form like one can get today. It was passed on and memorized by Muhammad's disciples. Only during Khalifah Saidina Usman's time, that he decided to document the Quran as the people who memorize the Quran verses were getting old, beginning to forget the verses, and dying or old age.
If swearing can get Saiful proof his innocence and saudara Anwar's guilt, we should get all these people to swear immediately: * Azilah Hadri & Sirul swear they did not kill Altantuya * Aziz Buyong swear he did not strap C4 on Altantuya * Rahim Noor swear he did not cause Anwar's black eye * Muhammad 2x swear he did not bring out undeclared cash from Australia (although caught doing it!) * Muhammad 2x swear he speekee no ingliiish * Najib swear he did not summon Musa Hassan to instruct Musa Safri to order Azilah Hadri to kill Altantuya. * *...and the list goes on.
Such irony isn't it? We have laws in Malaysia, civil and syariah. But at the same time, these Umno goons keep asking Anwar to swear on the Quran, like Saiful did. Even Tun Mahathir challenged Anwar to do the same to proof he is not guilty. Why not ask every criminal to swear while we're at it, then the courts, lawyers, prosecutors, judges can call it a day, since everyone is innocent. Welcome to Malaysia, where swearing by the good book has more weight than our Civil or Syariah laws. No pun intended despite how questionable the integrity and transparency of our judiciary is in right now.
Anwar made a wise decision not to play along. That would've made Islam look like a joke, where everyone can swear on the Quran and claim innocence. Now, it is Saiful who looks like a complete fool. No one beliefs him. I mean, if a 12 year old can protect himself from being sodomised by his teacher what is Saiful's excuse?
Selangor MB was caught by suprise when thousands of UiTM students marched towards SUK, the official Selangor government administration building. The students were protesting suggestion by YB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim on UiTM opening up 10% of its intake quota for non-bumiputra students.
I see Khalid's intention is good: to create a more competitive environment for Bumiputra students whilst having much-clever non-Bumi students as the challengers. Besides, competition makes us become a better person, we know where we are relative to others around us. So whats is the problem of having just 10% non-bumi competing amongst the 90% bumis? Exactly, nothing. Its just another day where umno is using Khalid's suggestion to stir-up the racial issue. I can't help notice the word 'hadhari' printed on the protest banner.
UiTM is funded by the government, thus making it IPTA (Awam) status. Government funded means the money is coming from Malaysian tax payers, you and me. Now, its a fact that majority of tax payers are non-bumis, ie the Chinese. Knowing that, is it too difficult to spare 10% of the quota for the non-bumis to study there? Indians and Chinese are Malaysians too remember?
Imagine the universities worldwide practicing this quota system. We will never have Malaysian graduates from MIT, Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, Kettering and thousand others. Reason: we are not Caucasian, thus we are not eligible to study there. These prestigious schools and many others accepts students based on merits, not based on ethnicity and where they're from. Its not abnormal to see the best MIT student is a Chinese, or a Russian, or Indian. Its nothing to be afraid of when a Malaysian tops out the Deans List at London School or Economics. The Malaysians see this as a national achievement, while the Americans or British sees this as a challenge for them to improve.
Instead of being selfish and racist, UiTM should open up its doors to non-Bumi students as well. 10% is too small a percentage to hurt anybody. But these Malay students will know where they are on a level-playing field. We always jeer our sportsmen as being 'jaguh kampung', now lets put the money where our mouth is. Then maybe one day, UiTM and others like it will become the school of choice in the likes of the American and British Ivy Leagues.
So a friend came over to visit a few nights ago. Turns out he has some nuggets to share about our friend, Saiful the sodo-mee. This is what he has to say:
Saiful was indeed planted by Umno (aka Najib) to spy on PKR's campaigning activities during March 8 election.
Post election, several secret meetings held between DSAI and MPs from all over the country, in particular from Sabah and Sarawak. As DSAI's aide, Saiful was in charge of setting-up these meetings, the dates, time, and venues on behalf of DSAI. It is unknown if Saiful is also present during these secret sessions.
Most of the time, the meeting was conducted at the Damansara condominium where the alleged sodomy (ies) took place. Saiful was pronged in the butt 8 times, mind you.
The potential threats of BN MP defections are real. Saiful immediately reported this to Najib.
Using C4 would be too obvious, and they can't pin DSAI on corruption since he doesn't have any, Thus, Najib, Gani & Musa created this Sodomy II story, similar to the Sodomy I episode.
The accusation is simple, and punishable by up to 20 years imprisonment. It would prevent DSAI from entering parliament, and would deter the potential defectors from jumping ship.
When asked if DSAI had ever been to the condominium, he didn't deny he's been there on more than a few occasions. Even the condo security personnel has testified to the police of seeing him entering the premise.
So the story of the secret meetings must be true. Najib is aware of this, and he probably even have the list of MPs waiting for DSAI to win Permatang Pauh on Aug. 26.
DSAI must be stopped at all cost, even if Najib has to recycle the bullshit story of Sodomy I.
Where is Pak Lah during all this? Can't figure this one yet. Either he is out of the loop, sleeping, or he is on top of all this but manage to keep out of the lime light. I guess we will find out soon enough, come PR taking over the Federal Government.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Yesterday marks another dark day for Malaysia. They finally nabbed saudara Anwar soon after he arrived home after having his statement recorded at ACA. The night before, we see She-biri-biri got grilled by Anwar live on TV. How fast things can turn around.
To the 30 plus so called Barisan MPs, where art thou? The rakyat is depending on you to jump to Pakatan Rakyat. This is the only way to strip power from the recalcitrant Umno goons. Their fear of losing power must be at its maximum, when they decided to repeat 1998. Ignoring the fact that majority of Malaysians does not believe Anwar to be a sodomizer, Umno couldn't go any lower.
Najib, gani and musa must've been able to sleep peacefully last night. Their #1 nemesis is now under police custody, and will soon be charged for sodomy. Thats 20 years maximum jail time for Anwar. Raja Petra, nemesis #2 will be summoned to Police HQ today for the "seditious" post he made on MT regarding Rosmah's involvement in Alatantuya murder. And Umno probably has plans to put him away too.
Anyway, Anwar had previously said that he has the alibi and proof of his innocence. Lets hope that is true. Same goes to you RPK and your trusted source. Our doa goes to both of you.
To saiful #$%@$&^%, I'm certain you will be punished if not now, in the afterlife. With 10 million rakyat cursing you to rot in hell, I'll be suprised if you didn't.
Again, to the BN MPs who are having 2nd thought about Umno, jump now and save Malaysia. We can't afford to wait another 5 years.
Great debate tonight between DS Anwar Ibrahim and Shabery Cheek. Although to me, it looks more like an experienced debater who knows macro economy against a layman, who resorts to firing cheap shots when he couldn't hack it. Well at least Shabery has the guts to face DSAI on live television. If it were Pak Lah, its guaranteed to be one hell of a disaster of Umno. Will be eaten alive and spit out by DSAI like nobody's business.
So now we have heard DSAI's approach to reduce petrol price if PR succeed in taking over the government. What I wonder, and was mentioned by Shabery, is how long can the subsidy last? As long as Malaysia is a net exporter, we should be profiting from the oil price increase, but sooner or later, the well will dry up. Maybe not in my lifetime, but during our children's generation. Should that day come, are we going to see a sharp increase in oil prices when government can no longer subsidize our fuel?
The point I'm getting at is, the government in power should focus on wealth creation. Increasing FDI will create wealth. Exporting more than importing will create wealth. Basically, we need surplus of foreign cashflow coming into the country. That is how we can expand the cake for every Malaysians to share. At the moment, the government is only distributing the cake, but no one is putting new cakes into the oven.
But how do we create wealth? The same way how Koreans, Americans, Britain, Japanese, French or any developed nation did it. Invest in R&D and create new products that we can EXPORT. Innovate on the current ones and EXPORT them as well. That is one way how wealth is created. From passenger cars to handphones to LCD tvs, the Koreans have them all. And exporting creates wealth for their country.
Same goes for Singapore. With no natural resources, they focus on other areas for wealth creation: Services sector such as banking, high finance and insurance sector. With clients from all over the world, wealth is certainly pouring into Singapore.
When Malaysia has mastered the art of wealth creation, our Ringgit would surely appreciate, and so will our buying power. That time, maybe we will not be too burdened by the fuel prices since most of us would be able to afford it, even without subsidy. Only then, can we truly be called a developed nation.
PUTRAJAYA 10 Julai - Perdana Menteri Australia, Kevin Rudd menyifatkan sistem demokrasi dan hak asasi di Malaysia sungguh segar dan hidup.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditanya pandangannya oleh seorang wartawan dari Australia mengenai perkembangan hak asasi manusia di negara ini.
"Ia bukan sahaja hidup tetapi tumbuh segar,“ kata Rudd yang dipercayai merujuk kepada soalan yang ada kaitan dengan kenyataan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang mengkritik Rudd sebagai tidak mempedulikan hak asasi di Malaysia.
Rudd dan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mengadakan sidang akhbar bersama selepas mesyuarat dua hala sempena lawatan kerja Perdana Menteri Australia itu di sini hari ini. - Utusan
Muahahaha tergelak besar saya apabila membaca berita dari Utusan Meloya ni. Bukan sekadar "hidup" tapi "tumbuh segar lagik", bak kata Kevin Rudd.
We visit someone's home for dinner, do we complain that the dishes are too salty, the rice has 'jelantah' etc? Its called manners. Regardless what the truth is, we always say everything is nice and good. Since Kevin Rudd is visiting Malaysia, you wouldn't expect him to critisize our democracy now would you? He was cornered with a leading question, it was expected for him to say "Ia bukan sahaja hidup tetapi tumbuh segar“. I'm sure majority of urbanites would find this hillarious. Pity the kampung folks who actually believe what Utusan wrote.
Pak Lah is stepping down come June 2010. Hallelujah? Well, it depends. On the one hand, we're going to have a new Prime Minister who isn't a sleepwalker. On the other hand, this same guy is notoriously given the nickname C4 by bloggers, allegedly involved in a Mongolian murder, and was once critisized when he vowed to bath the keris with Chinese blood.
In my opinion, compared to Abdullah, Najib has got more brutal baggage. And not to mention, his pear-shaped S.O. Just looking at her give me the creeps. Imagining her becoming 2nd lady (1st lady is Her Majesty Tuanku Nur Zahirah) is simply too much.
Abdullah announcing his retreat and make way for a new PM, to me is the right move. He finally gets the strong message post March 8, that the rakyat has lost confidence in his leadership. From a 90% landslide victory back in 2004 and it finally came to this, who would've imagine.
What I wonder is, why wait for another 2 years? Why not now? In this upcoming Umno General Election in December 2008, Pak Lah could easily take the back seat, and let Najib fight amongst the likes of Muhyiddin Yassin, Tengku Razaleigh or Ali Rustam for the President's chair. I mean, 2 years is a long time, anything could happen. Hell, we are only 4 months past the GE, and quite an eventful 4 months it has been. And with Pakatan Rakyat's promise of taking over the Federal government this September, Najib's day of becoming PM in 2010 may not materialize.
Could it be that Pak Lah isn't really keen on making Najib his successor, thus giving a 2-year period just to buy time, and hoping that something would happen within these 2 years that will prevent Najib from becoming PM? Who knows, Pak Lah may have his own choice for the next Prime Minister. Remember Team A, Team B anyone?
On the flip side, with the current catfight going on between Najib an DSAI, maybe now is not the best time for Pak Lah to let go his seat to Najib. Not to mention the scandals upon scandals which keeps turning up these past few weeks. For sure, Najib's popularity among Malaysians, and among Umno members in particular, have deteriorated these days.
So the best move is to delay the transfer of power to June 2010, when most Malaysian have already forgot what happened in 2008. Melayu kan mudah lupa?
Whatever the reason, I hope this day will never happen. Who would want a guy nicknamed C4 for Prime Minister? And may I remind you, this is not C4 the Citroen model. I'll take that C4 anyday...
You think we are doing this for fun? You think we wake up and just decided to bust your chops?
Think again.
We are not disregarding the law as you proclaimed. There is no law. Period. Well, at least for the people walking in the corridors of power, as RPK aptly put it.
How else do you think the rakyat can voice their concern over the issues affecting their daily lives? We're not special like Saiful, who can simply walk into the office of Najib claiming he got dicked in the ass.
Thats why people took it to the streets, because thats the only way we can convey to the government how angry we are.
Instead of splashing news on the sodomy case all over the MSM, why not focus on issues that are more improtant, i.e ways to curb inflation which is predicted to hit between 6-7 percent after the petrol and diesel price hike, or how social problems with our teenagers are getting more out of hand, or at least tell us where did the RM 330 billion tax paid to the government by Petronas since the 80's went.
On the protection offered by the Home Ministry to Balasubramaniam from whoever he's running away from, HELLLLLOOOOOO baldy! I think Bala is hiding from you guys, not the other way around. So stop creating bullshit stories saying someone from PR side is trying to get to him.
When will amenor learn that Malaysians are not as stupid as they think? Please stop trying to bring us down with this bullshit.
Semalam saya dan isteri pergi minum petang di kedai mamak. Bila mamak ambik order sampai, isteri saya terus order nasik putih dan daging merah. "Berat jugak tu", kata saya. "Tengahari tadi I tak sempat makan, so lapar sangat" balas isteri.
Memandangkan jam masa tu pun dah dekat pukul 7 malam, ingatkan minum petang merangkap makan malam sekalilah. So saya tanya isteri saya "Malam nanti you masak ke?". Dia jawab "malam nanti I masak".
Bila tiba giliran saya untuk order, saya pun order bihun goreng, ringan-ringan ajelah, sebab isteri saya akan masak untuk makan malam. Mamak pun tulis la dalam kertas bihun goreng yang saya order, lepas tu terus beredar.
Saya panggilla mamak tu balik "Mamak air tak order lagi la". "La, tadi kan sudah order air masak", balas mamak dengan loghat Indianya. Hmm, pelik juga perangai mamak ni, bila masa pulak kami order air masak. Malas nak panjangkan cerita, saya pun kata "OK lah, air masak kasi 2", lalu mamak itu beredar ke dalam kedai.
Dalam masa 10 minit, order pun sampai. Sambil makan saya dan isteri berbual2 tentang hal anak-anak, hal politik, perang di Iraq, afganistan, berita saham, mengumpat pasal pekerja jusco yang dok kat meja sebelah dan hal-hal lain. Tiba-tiba, isteri saya berkata "I tau kenapa mamak tu ingat kita order I masak". Saya bertanya "Ha apasal?". Jawab isteri "Masa you tanya tadi malam ni I masak tak, I jawab I masak. Mamak tu ingatkan kita nak order air masak kot..." Tergelak besar saya, patutla mamak tu confident je kata kami dah order air. Salah faham rupanya.
"Boleh masuk cerita lawak antarabangsa ni", ujar saya sambil isteri tersenyum..
On Saturday night, we had a birthday party for Imelda. She turned 4th last month, so it was 1 month belated. For the past 3 years, we never missed having a birthday bash for her since she was the only one. This year though, we celebrated her 4th on a small scale, invited only our parents and siblings. We're reserving the bigger birthday party for Ashman, when he turns 1 this September.
Nevertheless, last Saturday turned out to be a blast. The main menu was barbeque steaks and lasagna. All home-made. And garden salad to complement the proteins, fats and carbohydrates. I became the grill-man, making sure the chicken, beef and kambing are bbq-ed to perfection. The first batches of beef and kambing turned out overcooked on one side, and totally carbon-black on the other. Upon discussion of bbq re-strategy with my assistant Syed (sister in law's hubby) we improved our bbq skills and taking better care of the flame. Soon after, all the chicken, beef and kambing looked like they came from San Fransisco Steakhouse (just kidding). OK, they were all edible, and taste good too.
Everyone praised the lasagna, which my wife made. She really put in the effort to prepare them, using the finest ingredients: minced-beef, mozarella cheese, fresh milk, oregano, rosemary and bay leafs. Plenty of left-over that everyone got to tapau for breakfast.
We had the baskin robbins icecream cake that everyone enjoyed and 100% cleared within 10 minutes after blowing the candles. Delicious Big Apple donuts and pastries, compliments from my sisters (thank you Ina and Suzy) and mother-in-law's home-made curry puffs made sure everybody was stuffed.
For dessert, we had fresh fruits aplenty, and finally teh tarik for after-eating gossip and political discussion. With whats currently going on in Malaysia, literally there's not enough teh tarik to go around, and so we had to serve coffee afterwards.
But hey, something is missing...oh yeah, where is Imelda the birthday girl? She was upstairs in her room, playing with the cousins and opening presents. Ah never mind, as long as she's having a good time.
By the time the last guest left, it was almost 11.30. The clock showed 1 am by the time I went to bed. A long day, but very worthwhile. Even Imelda who went to bed that night starving had fun. I noticed she did'n eat anything except some icecream cake. We all look forward to breakfast and lunch tomorrow, where the menu is bbq chicken and kambing. Also, the next birthday party for Ashman.
Definition - A statutory declaration is a signed statement made by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835 before an officer authorised to administer an oath, such as a justice of the peace, Commissioner for Oaths or a solicitor with a practising certificate. It has the same effect as a sworn document (an Affidavit).
I pulled that from a UK Govt website since I wasn't sure what it means. Anyway, ignoring the Declarations Act 1835 since it probably applied in the UK only, the rest of the definition should hold true in Malaysia.
Within these 1-2 weeks, we've been presented with quite remarkable and suprising SD's. Beginning with Raja Petra's SD on Rosmah's presence at the Altantuya C4 fiasco, Balasubramaniam's original SD, and now, Balasubramaniam's amended SD.
If I were given RM1 for every SD that I'm reading, man thats RM3 already!. Not bad for someone who have little idea what and SD means, just 3 weeks ago.
Anyway, yesterday Mr Balasubramaniam put forward his SD via DSAI, which clearly stated Datuk Seri Najib's involvement with Altantuya. And today, he retracted his original SD, and replaced it with a new SD. Only this time, the Najib's involvement with Altantuya (sexually and officially) is removed. And a newly appointed lawyer to boot, replacing Americk Singh Sidhu. What is this saying about the Statutory Declaration?
It just brings the value of an SD to zero. I mean, you can make as many SD's as you like, but it doesn't have to be the truth. Lying in your SD. Malaysia will be flooded with Statutory Declarations, but God knows which ones are true and which ones aren't.
Imagine this: DSAI making an SD about his innocence in the Sodomy case, while Saiful Bukhari's SD claiming DSAI's prick was in his ass. Which one will we believe now? I forsee this event taking place not too long from now.
The IGP is saying one thing, DSAI is saying another. Balasubramniam is saying A, while Najib is saying B. AG is not talking, Pak Lah flip-flop is still dozing. Razak Baginda is still a mystery, so are Sirul and Azilah Hadri.
Untuk manfaat semua, saya telah menterjemahkan teks Saudara Anwar ke Bahasa Malaysia. Diharap dapat menyebarkan lagi kejutan terkini kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia mengenai kes Altantuya dan Najib Tun Razak.
Dari pejabat Anwar Ibrahim: Kenyataan Akhbar untuk pendedahan serta-merta
3 Julai 2008, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Hari ini kita menyaksikan satu lagi episod dan pattern yang konsisten dalam penyalahgunaan kuasa dan manipulasi sistem jenayah kehakiman.
Baru baru ini, seorang saksi dalam kes Altantuya telah menemui kami dengan maklumat terperinci tentang perkara yang telah berlaku yang membawa kepada kehilangan, dan seterusnya pembunuhan Altantuya. Maklumat yang diterima adalah amat mengejutkan.
En. P. Balasubramaniam, yang dilantik oleh Abdul Razak Baginda sebagai penyiasat persendirian beliau, telah dinasihati oleh peguamnya untuk merekodkan kenyataannya secara bebas. Hari ini, dia telah melafazkan deklarasi bersumpah (statutory declaration) bertarikh 1 Julai 2008 kepada umum, yang menerangkan dengan terperinci perkara sebenar yang berlaku dan apa yang telah diberitahu kepada beliau oleh watak watak utama dalam saga ini, seperti Abdul Razak Baginda dan Altantuya sendiri. Kenyataan kenyataan di bawah mendedahkan perkara perkara berikut:
1. En Balasubramaniam telah dilantik oleh Abdul Razak Baginda untuk mneyelesaikan masalah dia diganggu oleh Altantuya mengenai tuntutan hutang Razak kepada beliau.
2. Altantuya telah dijanjikan komisen sebnyak USD500,000 kerana telah membantu dalam menguruskan hal pembelian kapal selam di Paris.
3. Altantuya telah diperkenalkan kepada Razak Baginda oleh Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak semasa berlangsungnya satu pameran berlian di Singapura.
4. Altantuya, Datuk Seri Najib dan Razak Baginda pernah dilihat makan malam bersama di Paris.
5. Selepas kehilangan Altantuya, satu kekecohan telah berlaku di hadapan rumah Razak Baginda, beberapa hari selepas 20 December 2006, di mana kawan-kawan Altantuya dan seorang yang dikenali sebagai Mr Ang (penyiasat peribadi Altantuya) datang untuk mencari dimanakah Altantuya berada. Balasubramaniam yang berada di situ terpaksa menelefon polis. Sebuah kereta peronda polis tiba sejurus kemudian. Sejurus selepas itu, seorang pegawai penyiasat dari Balai Dang Wangi yang menguruskan kes orang hilang, tiba setelah mendapat laporan dari kawan kawan Altantuya mengenai kehilangan Altantuya. Balasubramaniam kemudiannya menelefon Razak Baginda, yang semasa itu berada di dalam rumah, untuk melaporkan apa yang sedang berlaku di depan rumah beliau. Razak kemudiannya menelefon DSP Musa Safri untuk memberitahu perkembangan tersebut. Tidak lama kemudian, Musa telah menghubungi pegawai Dang Wangi yang sedang berada di depan rumah Razak. Mereka berbual selama 3-4 minit, dan Inspektor itu mengarahkan rakan rakan Altantuya untuk meninggalkan kawasan tersebut dan berjumpa dengan beliau pada keesokan hari. Dipercayai bahawa DSP Musa Safri adalah penjaga peribadi (bodyguard) kepada Datuk Seri Najib pada waktu itu.
6. Balasubramaniam telah ditahan dan disoal siasat selama 7 hari dia Bukit Aman. Ini berlaku pada hujung bulan November 2006. Dia telah melaporkan segala apa yang diketahuinya kepada pihak polis mengenai Razak Baginda, Altantuya serta hubungan mereka dengan Najib. Maklumat ini walaubagaimanapun telah dikecualikan daripada laporan polis yang beliau tandatangani.
7. Semasa perbicaraan kes Sirul, Azilah dan Razak Baginda di Mahkamah Shah Alam, pegawai pendakwaraya tidak sekalipun menyentuh tentang hubungan di antara Altantuya dan Datuk Seri Najib, ataupun tentang panggilan telefon dari Musa Safri kepada Razak Baginda.
8. Sejurus sebelum Razak Baginda ditangkap, beliau telah memberitahu pada Balasubramaniam yang dia telah menerima satu SMS dari Najib berbunyi "Saya akan bertemu dengan IGP pukul 11 pagi ini...segalanya akan diselesaikan...bertenang". Kenyataan Balasubramaniam juga ada menyebut tentang perhubungan rapat antara Altantuya dan Najib Tun Razak (mereka mempunyai hubungan seks, dan Najib ada melakukan liwat pada Altantuya).
Walaubagaimanapun, dakwaan dakwaan oleh Balasubramaniam ini menimbukan beberapa soalan untuk pengetahun umum:
a. Penyorokan bukti oleh pegawai polis penyiasat dan pegawai pendakwaraya. Penyorokan bukti seperti ini cuma boleh berlaku dengan pengetahun penuh dari peringkat tertinggi, seperti IGP dan AG.
b. Persoalan juga ditimbulkan dengan penyorokan bahan bukti ini, apabila berlaku pertukaran pegawai pendakwaraya pada saat terakhir, di mana ketua Cawangan Jenayah AG Chambers, Datuk Yusuf Zainal Abiden telah diketepikan dari mengendalikan kes tersebut, dan pegawai Senior DPP Sallehudin Saidin juga di suruh bersara awal beberapa bulan kemudian.
c. Persoalan juga timbul tentang pertukaran hakim pada saat perbicaraan sedang berjalan pada Mac 2007 - mengapa ia dilakukan?
d. Adakah Datuk Seri Najib berbohong apabila dia menyatakan tidak pernah bertemu dengan Altantuya?
e. Adakah Datuk Seri Najib berbohong dalam menyatakan dia tidak terlibat dalam isu komisen dalam pembelian kapal selam Scorpene?
Kenyataan En. Balasubramaniam menunjukkan apa yang telah kami nyatakan selama ini, bahawa siasatan dan perbicaraan kes Altantuya ini tidak dijalankan dengan telus, dan perbicaraan telah diadakan sedemikian rupa dengan keputusan mahkamah telah di tentukan lebih awal. Ini memberi kesan yang serius kepada badan kehakiman, di mana integriti dan kredibiliti badan badan utama seperti kehakiman, polis and AG Chambers telah tercalar.
Pendedahan pada hari ini membuktikan satu pattern yang konsisten dengan penyalahgunaan sistem kehakiman yang telah disaksikan oleh negara ini semenjak 1998. Dakwaan dakwaan ini memerlukan satu Suruhanjaya Siasatan DiRaja ditubuhkan segera bagi menyiasat dengan lebih lanjut.
Holy crap! This is a bombshell material definitely. If we can call this the Atomic bomb on Hiroshima, RPK's supposedly 'informed' evidence should be called the Atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Only now, the bombs are on the present government.
I am reposting this here since its now quite difficult to access DSAI's blog, where the article is originally posted. Also, Malaysia-Today has just been hacked yesterday. Not sure when it's going to be back online. Up till this afternoon, still offline.
Oh, and by the way, check this out..
"25.2 Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak informed Abdul Razak Baginda that he had a sexual relationship with Aminah and that she was susceptible to anal intercourse. "
Seems like Najib's got experience doing the anal, maybe he did Saiful Bukhari, not DSAI :)
From the Office of Anwar Ibrahim: Press Statement - for immediate release
3 July 2008, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Today we witness another episode of a consistent pattern of abuse of power and manipulation of the criminal justice system.
Recently one of the witnesses in the Altantuya trial approached us with detailed information of events connected to her disappearance and murder. The information was shocking.
Mr. P. Balasubramaniam, who was engaged by Abdul Razak Baginda as a private investigator was advised to seek legal counsel and document his story independently.
Today he is releasing a statutory declaration dated 1st July 2008 to the public detailing the story that he has to tell about what actually happened and what was told to him by key personalities in this saga including Abdul Razak Baginda and Altantuya herself.
These revelations speak for themselves. They reveal, amongst others, the following allegations:
1.Mr. Balasubramaniam was engaged by Abdul Razak Baginda to deal with alleged harassment by Altantuya in relation to debts owed to her (Paragraph 5 and 6).
2.Altantuya was promised a commission of USD 500,000 for assisting in a submarine deal in Paris (Paragraph 22, Paragraph 25.5 and Paragraph 28.2 and 28.3 ).
3.Altantuya was introduced to Razak Baginda by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at a diamond exhibition in Singapore ( Paragraph 25.5 and Paragraph 28.1).
4.Altantuya, Datuk Seri Najib and Razak Baginda had all been seen together at a dinner in Paris (Paragraph 28.2).
5.After the disappearance of Altantuya, a commotion took place in front of Razak Baginda’s house several days after 20 December 2006 where girl friends of Altantuya and one Mr.Ang (Altantuya’s own private investigator) arrived searching for Altantuya. Balasubramaniam had to call the police. A patrol car arrived shortly. Shortly thereafter an investigating officer from Dang Wangi Police Station who was handling the missing persons report lodged by one of Altantuya’s girl friends arrived. Balasubramaniam then informed Razak Baginda who was at home to inform him of the events taking place at his front gate. Razak then called one DSP Musa Safri who called him back informing him that Musa would be calling him on his handphone and that he was to pass the phone to the inspector from Dang Wangi Police station. Balasubramaniam then received the call from Musa Safri and duly passed the phone to the inspector. After the conversation of 3 - 4 minutes, the inspector told the girls to disperse and to see him the next day (Paragraphs 34 - 38). We believe DSP Musa Safri was aide-de-camp to Datuk Seri Najib at the material time.
6.Balasubramaniam was interrogated at Bukit Aman for seven consecutive days and his statement recorded at the end of November 2006. He says that he told the police all that he knew including everything Razak Baginda and Altantuya had told him about their relationships with Najib. These details were omitted from the statement he was asked to sign (Paragraph 49).
7.During the trial of Sirul, Azilah and Razak Baginda at at the Shah Alam High Court, the prosecutor did not ask him any questions in respect of the relationship Altantuya had with Datuk Seri Najib or of the phone call that he had received form DSP Musa Safri (Paragraph 50).
8.When Razak Baginda was arrested, Balasubramaniam was told by him that he had sent an SMS messsage to Najib the evening before (Paragraph 51). Razak also informed Balasubramaniam that he had received an SMS from Najib and showed it to him; the message read “I am seeing IGP at 11 A.M. today …. matter will be solved … be cool”.
Mr. Balasubramaniam’s evidence also mentions the extent of the relationship between Altantuya and Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. We are not interested in the personal nature of the relationship. That is entirely his own business and hers.
However the allegations revealed by him raise key questions of public interest:
a)Suppression of evidence by the police investigating officers and those responsible for prosecuting this case. Such suppression could only have happened with the full knowledge of top public officials such as the IGP and the AG.
b)The question is also raised as to whether such suppression of evidence was the reason behind the last minute switch in DPP’s handling the case - where the head of the Criminal Division of the AG’s Chambers, Datuk Yusuf Zainal Abiden was completely sidelined from the case leading him and the senior DPP originally slotted for the case Sallehudin Saidin to put in papers for early retirement some months later.
c)Questions can be raised now with regard to the sudden switching of the judge fixed to hear the case which took place in March 2007 - why was this really done?
d) Did Datuk Seri Najib lie when he said that he had never met Altantuya before?
e) Did Datuk Seri Najib lie when he said that he was not involved in any commission deals for the purchases of the Scorpene submarines”
Mr.Balasubramaniam’s evidence vindicate what we have been saying all along; there has been no proper investigation of the murder of Altantuya and the investigation and proceedings in court seem to following a pre-arranged script for a pre-arranged outcome.
This has serious implications for the administration of justice in the country where the integrity and credibility of our key institutions such as the police, the AG’s chambers and the judiciary are already severely tarnished.
Today’s revelations further confirm a clear and consistent pattern of manipulation of the criminal justice system that we have witnessed in this country since 1998.
The allegations revealed here warrant a full Royal Commission of Inquiry.
— Statutory Declaration by Balasubramaniam a/l Perumal —
I, Balasubramaniam a/l Perumal (NRIC NO: xxxxxx-xx-6235) a Malaysian Citizen of full age and residing at xxxxx, Selangor do solemly and sincerely declare as follows :-
1. I have been a police officer with the Royal Malaysian Police Force having jointed as a constable in 1981 attached to the Police Field Force. I was then promoted to the rank of lance Corporal and finally resigned from the Police Force in 1998 when I was with the Special Branch.
2. I have been working as a free lance Private Investigator since I left the Police Force.
3. Sometime in June or July 2006, I was employed by Abdul Razak Baginda for a period of 10 days to look after him at his office at the Bangunan Getah Asli, Jalan Ampang between the hours of 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m each working day as apparently he was experiencing disturbances from a third party.
4. I resigned from this job after 2 ½ days as I was not receiving any proper instructions.
5. I was however re-employed by Abdul Razak Baginda on the 05-10-2006 as he had apparently received a harassing phone call from a Chinese man calling himself ASP Tan who had threatened him to pay his debts. I later found out this gentleman was in fact a private investigator called Ang who was employed by a Mongolian woman called Altantuya Shaaribuu.
6. Abdul Razak Baginda was concerned that a person by the name of Altantuya Shaaribuu, a Mongolian woman, was behind this threat and that she would be arriving in Malaysia very soon to try and contact him.
7. Abdul Razak Baginda informed me that he was concerned by this as he had been advised that Altantuya Shaaribuu had been given some powers by a Mongolian ‘bomoh’ and that he could never look her in the face because of this.
8. When I enquired as to who this Mongolian woman was, Abdul Razak Baginda informed me that she was a friend of his who had been introduced to him by a VIP and who asked him to look after her financially.
9. I advised him to lodge a police report concerning the threatening phone call he had received from the Chinese man known as ASP Tan but he refused to do so as he informed me there were some high profile people involved.
10. Abdul Razak Baginda further told me that Altantuya Shaaribuu was a great liar and good in convincing people. She was supposed to have been very demanding financially and that he had even financed a property for her in Mongolia.
11. Abdul Razak Baginda then let me listen to some voice messages on his handphone asking him to pay what was due otherwise he would be harmed and his daughter harassed.
12. I was therefore supposed to protect his daughter Rowena as well.
13. On the 09.10.2006 I received a phone call from Abdul Razak Baginda at about 9.30 a.m. informing me that Altantuya was in his office and he wanted me there immediately. As I was in the midst of a surveillance, I sent my assistant Suras to Abdul Razak Baginda’s office and I followed a little later. Suras managed to control the situation and had persuaded Altantuya and her two friends to leave the premises. However Altantuya left a note written on some Hotel Malaya note paper, in English, asking Abdul Razak Baginda to call her on her handphone (number given) and wrote down her room number as well.
14. Altantuya had introduced herself to Suras as ‘Aminah’ and had informed Suras she was there to see her boyfriend Abdul Razak Baginda.
15. These 3 Mongolian girls however returned to Abdul Razak Baginda’s office at the Bangunan Getah Asli, Jalan Ampang again, the next day at about 12.00 noon. They did not enter the building but again informed Suras that they wanted to meet Aminah’s boyfriend, Abdul Razak Baginda.
16. On the 11.10.2006, Aminah returned to Abdul Razak Baginda’s office on her own and gave me a note to pass to him, which I did. Abdul Razak Baginda showed me the note which basically asked him to call her urgently.
17. I suggested to Abdul Razak Baginda that perhaps it may be wise to arrange for Aminah to be arrested if she harassed him further, but he declined as he felt she would have to return to Mongolia as soon as her cash ran out.
18. In the meantime I had arranged for Suras to perform surveillance on Hotel Malaya to monitor the movements of these 3 Mongolian girls, but they recognized him. Apparently they become friends with Suras after that and he ended up spending a few nights in their hotel room.
19. When Abdul Razak Baginda discovered Suras was becoming close to Aminah he asked me to pull him out from Hotel Malaya.
20. On the 14.10.2006, Aminah turned up at Abdul Razak Baginda’s house in DamansaraHeights when I was not there. Abdul Razak Baginda called me on my handphone to inform me of this so I rushed back to his house. As I arrived, I noticed Aminah outside the front gates shouting “Razak, bastard, come out from the house”. I tried to calm her down but couldn’t so I called the police who arrived in 2 patrol cars. I explained the situation to the police, who took her away to the Brickfields police station.
21. I followed the patrol cars to Brickfields police station in a taxi. I called Abdul Razak Baginda and his lawyer Dirren to lodge a police report but they refused.
22. When I was at the Brickfields police station, Aminah’s own Private Investigator, one Mr. Ang arrived and we had a discussion. I was told to deliver a demand to Abdul Razak Baginda for USD$500,000.00 and 3 tickets to Mongolia, apparently as commission owed to Aminah from a deal in Paris.
23. As Aminah had calmed down at this stage, a policewoman at the Brickfields police station advised me to leave and settle the matter amicably.
24. I duly informed Abdul Razak Baginda of the demands Aminah had made and told him I was disappointed that no one wanted to back me up in lodging a police report. We had a long discussion about the situation when I expressed a desire to pull out of this assignment.
25. During this discussion and in an attempt to persuade me to continue my employment with him, Abdul Razak Baginda informed me that :-
25.1 He had been introduced to Aminah by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at a diamond exhibition in Singapore.
25.2 Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak informed Abdul Razak Baginda that he had a sexual relationship with Aminah and that she was susceptible to anal intercourse.
25.3 Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak wanted Abdul Razak Baginda to look after Aminah as he did not want her to harass him since he was now the Deputy Prime Minister.
25.4 Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, Abdul Razak Baginda and Aminah had all been together at a dinner in Paris.
25.5 Aminah wanted money from him as she felt she was entitled to a USD$500,000.00 commission on a submarine deal she assisted with in Paris.
26. On the 19.10.2006, I arrived at Abdul Razak Baginda’s house in DamansaraHeights to begin my night duty. I had parked my car outside as usual. I saw a yellow proton perdana taxi pass by with 3 ladies inside, one of whom was Aminah. The taxi did a U-turn and stopped in front of the house where these ladies rolled down the window and wished me ‘Happy Deepavali’. The taxi then left.
27. About 20 minutes later the taxi returned with only Aminah in it. She got out of the taxi and walked towards me and started talking to me. I sent an SMS to Abdul Razak Baginda informing him “Aminah was here”. I received an SMS from Razak instructing me “To delay her until my man comes”.
28. Whist I was talking to Aminah, she informed me of the following :-
28.1 That she met Abdul Razak Baginda in Singapore with Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
28.2 That she had also met Abdul Razak Baginda and Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at a dinner in Paris.
28.3 That she was promised a sum of USD$500,000.00 as commission for assisting in a Submarine deal in Paris.
28.4 That Abdul Razak Baginda had bought her a house in Mongolia but her brother had refinanced it and she needed money to redeem it.
28.5 That her mother was ill and she needed money to pay for her treatment.
28.6That Abdul Razak Baginda had married her in Korea as her mother is Korean whilst her father was a Mongolian/Chinese mix.
28.7 That if I wouldn’t allow her to see Abdul Razak Baginda, would I be able to arrange for her to see Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
29. After talking to Aminah for about 15 minutes, a red proton aeroback arrived with a woman and two men. I now know the woman to be Lance Corporal Rohaniza and the men, Azilah Hadri and Sirul Azahar. They were all in plain clothes. Azilah walked towards me while the other two stayed in the car.
30. Azilah asked me whether the woman was Aminah and I said ‘Yes’. He then walked off and made a few calls on his handphone. After 10 minutes another vehicle, a blue proton saga, driven by a Malay man, passed by slowly. The drivers window had been wound down and the driver was looking at us.
31. Azilah then informed me they would be taking Aminah away. I informed Aminah they were arresting her. The other two persons then got out of the red proton and exchanged seats so that Lance Corporal Rohaniza and Aminah were in the back while the two men were in the front. They drove off and that is the last I ever saw of Aminah.
32. Abdul Razak Baginda was not at home when all this occurred.
33. After the 19.10.2006, I continued to work for Abdul Razak Baginda at his house in Damansara Heights from 7.00 p.m. to 8.00 a.m. the next morning, as he had been receiving threatening text messages from a woman called ‘Amy’ who was apparently ‘Aminah’s’ cousin in Mongolia.
34. On the night of the 20.10.2006, both of Aminah’s girl friends turned up at Abdul Razak Baginda’s house enquiring where Aminah was. I informed them she had been arrested the night before.
35. A couple of nights later, these two Mongolian girls, Mr. Ang and another Mongolian girl called ‘Amy’ turned up at Abdul Razak Baginda’s house looking for Aminah as they appeared to be convinced she was being held in the house.
36. A commotion began so I called the police who arrived shortly thereafter in a patrol car. Another patrol car arrived a short while later in which was the investigating officer from the Dang Wangi Police Station who was in charge of the missing persons report lodged by one of the Mongolians girls, I believe was Amy.
37. I called Abdul Razak Baginda who was at home to inform him of the events taking place at his front gate. He then called DSP Musa Safri and called me back informing me that Musa Safri would be calling handphone and I was to pass the phone to the Inspector from Dang Wangi Police Station.
38. I then received a call on my handphone from Musa Safri and duly handed the phone to the Dang Wangi Inspector. The conversation lasted 3 - 4 minutes after which he told the girls to disperse and to go to see him the next day.
39. On or about the 24.10.2006, Abdul Razak Baginda instructed me to accompany him to the Brickfields police station as he had been advised to lodge a police report about the harassment he was receiving from these Mongolian girls.
40. Before this, Amy had sent me an SMS informing me she was going to Thailand to lodge a report with the Mongolian consulate there regarding Aminah’s disappearance. Apparently she had sent the same SMS to Abdul Razak Baginda. This is why he told me he had been advised to lodge a police report.
41. Abdul Razak Baginda informed me that DPS Musa Safri had introduced him to one DSP Idris, the head of the Criminal division, Brickfields police station, and that Idris had referred him to ASP Tonny.
42. When Abdul Razak Baginda had lodged his police report at Brickfields police station, in front of ASP Tonny, he was asked to make a statement but he refused as he said he was leaving for overseas. He did however promise to prepare a statement and hand ASP Tonny a thumb drive. I know that this was not done as ASP Tonny told me.
43. However ASP Tonny asked me the next day to provide my statement instead and so I did.
44. I stopped working for Abdul Razak Baginda on the 26.10.2006 as this was the day he left for Hong Kong on his own.
45. In mid November 2006, I received a phone call from ASP Tonny from the IPK Jalan Hang Tuah asking me to see him regarding Aminah’s case. When I arrived there I was immediately arrested under S.506 of the Penal Code for Criminal intimidation.
46. I was then placed in the lock up and remanded for 5 days. On the third day I was released on police bail.
47. At the end of November 2006, the D9 department of the IPK sent a detective to my house to escort me to the IPK Jalan Hang Tuah. When I arrived, I was told I was being arrested under S.302 of the Penal Code for murder. I was put in the lock up and remanded for 7 days.
48. I was transported to Bukit Aman where I was interrogated and questioned about an SMS I had received from Abdul Razak Baginda on the 19.10.2006 which read “delay her until my man arrives”. They had apparently retrieved this message from Abdul Razak Baginda’s handphone.
49. They then proceeded to record my statement from 8.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. everyday for 7 consecutive days. I told them all I knew including everything Abdul Razak Baginda and Aminah had told me about their relationships with Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak but when I came to sign my statement, these details had been left out.
50. I have given evidence in the trial of Azilah, Sirul and Abdul Razak Baginda at the Shah Alam High Court. The prosecutor did not ask me any questions in respect of Aminah’s relationship with Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak or of the phone call I received from DSP Musa Safri, whom I believe was the ADC for Datuk Seri Najib Razak and/or his wife.
51. On the day Abdul Razak Baginda was arrested, I was with him at his lawyers office at 6.30 a.m. Abdul Razak Baginda informed us that he had sent Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak an SMS the evening before as he refused to believe he was to be arrested, but had not received a response.
52. Shortly thereafter, at about 7.30 a.m., Abdul Razak Baginda received an SMS from Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and showed, this message to both myself and his lawyer. This message read as follows :- ” I am seeing IGP at 11.00 a.m. today …… matter will be solved … be cool”.
53. I have been made to understand that Abdul Razak Baginda was arrested the same morning at his office in the Bangunan Getah Asli, Jalan Ampang.
54. The purpose of this Statutory declaration is to :-
54.1 State my disappointment at the standard of investigations conducted by the authorities into the circumstances surrounding the murder of Altantuya Shaaribuu.
54.2 Bring to the notice of the relevant authorities the strong possibility that there are individuals other than the 3 accused who must have played a role in the murder of Altantuya Shaaribuu.
54.3 Persuade the relevant authorities to reopen their investigations into this case immediately so that any fresh evidence may be presented to the Court prior to submissions at the end of the prosecutions case.
54.4 Emphasize the fact that having been a member of the Royal Malaysian Police Force for 17 years I am absolutely certain no police officer would shoot someone in the head and blow up their body without receiving specific instructions from their superiors first.
54.5. Express my concern that should the defence not be called in the said murder trial, the accused, Azilah and Sirul will not have to swear on oath and testify as to the instructions they received and from whom they were given.
55. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declaration Act 1960.
The following police report was made on 28 June 2008 @ 5.45 PM by Mohd Saiful Bukhari bin Azlan,
"Saya Mohd Saiful Bukhari b Azlan ingin melaporkan bahawa saya telah diliwat oleh majikan saya. Perkara ini berlaku tanpa kerelaan saya. Kejadian terakhir berlaku 26/6/08 di Unit 1151, Kondominium Desa Damansara, Jln Setia Kasih, KL. Oleh itu, tujuan laporan ini dibuat untuk mendapat pembelaan dan keadilan keatas diri saya. Saya juga berasa bimbang dengan keselamatan diri dan keluarga saya jika perkara ini tersebar luas di khalayak ramai. Majikan saya Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim - Ketua Umum PKR." (sumber
With DSAI busy running all over the country and abroad (he was in Madinah 2 days prior), strategizing his move for PR to takeover the Federal Govt in a few months, and yet still have time to screw Saiful in the asshole. What bull crap is this??
Anwar is just average build, and 60+ years old. Saiful is 23 and approx 5'10". To say that he was overpowered by DSAI seems too far fetched, unless DSAI had an accomplice. But there was no mention of a 3rd person in the police report. Again, what bull crap is this?
Looks like amenor is running out of ideas to stop DSAI. They can't pin him on corruption because there aren't any, they can't charge him of using C4 against anybody, so they use sodomy instead. Simple, yet punishable by 20 years imprisonment if found guilty. Thats more than enough time to clean up Malaysia's coffers, and probably the same time when our oil wells would dry up.
If you're an Islam, please perform the Solat Hajat and may Allah protect DSAI while exposing the real perpetrators. For others religion, please pray in his or her own beliefs. We are so close to 16 September, lets hope it becomes a new dawn for all Malaysians.
And to Raja Petra, we're still waiting for your write-up on this. Can't wait on what you have to say. And not to forget, the evidence against Mrs C4 as well. Bring it on!
Tengahari tadi saya bersama isteri dan anak pergi ke Alamanda Putrajaya untuk membeli barang keperluan rumah di Carrefour. Terlanjur dah sampai di sana, singgahlah kami di Rasa, medan selera di Alamanda. Kebetulan pulak dah tengahari, so makan lunch sekalilah.
“Ada nampak pelik sikitla”, kata isteri saya. “Orang tak ramai sangat makan, padahal dah dekat pukul 1 tengahari dah”, katanya lagi. “Memang cantiklah, takyah nak berebut-rebut cari meja” saya membalas. Saya lihat pun orang tak ramai macam biasa. Hari ini pulak hari Sabtu, dan baru 3 hari lepas kakitangan kerajaan dapat gaji.
Nampaknya inilah hasil kerja pak lah flip-flop yang disayangi. Tindakannya mengurangkan subsidi minyak menyebabkan harga petrol melonjak sebanyak 41% pada 4 June lepas. Dan rakyat yang merasa bahananya. Masa nak memilih menu, kita tengok harga dulu baru order. Bukannya pilih apa yang sedap di mata kita. Nasi beriyani full-spec dulu, sekarang nasi putih dengan ayam goreng, kari kosong aje tanpa sayur. Kalau dulu minum air buah, sekarang order air suam aje. Kononnya nak jaga kesihatan. Selepas makan, kami menuju ke Carrefour dan melihat ramai orang di sana.
Memandangkan hari ni cuti, ramai ibu-bapa yang membawa anak masing-masing. Nampak gayanya, lepas beli barang rumah, balik rumah and masak ajelah. Sebelum kenaikan harga minyak, bolehla bawa anak-anak makan KFC or McDonald sebulan sekali, sekarang ni goreng ayam pakai tepung KFC di rumah and makan dengan nasi, lagi jimat. Rasanya pun lebih kurang aje.
Lepasni katanya minyak akan naik lagi bulan Ogos. Kalau jadi RM4 seliter, kena buat adjustment lagi lah nampaknya. Peniaga makanan di Rasa Alamanda pun habis bungkus. Sedangkan 3 hari lepas gaji pun tak ramai orang, apatah lagi di pertengahan bulan bila dah betul-betul ‘kering’.
Damn you Pak Lah for putting us in this position!!